„Mind is a garden.”
Victor Hugo, „Die Elenden“ 1st edition, Düsseldorf: Patmos, 2006, p. 28
ISBN: 3491961696
All over Europe, unemployment rates for young adults have reached an alarmingly high level and recent forecasts are not positive. That is why adult education and VET providers need to react in an innovative way.
By introducing a new (outdoor) learning environment and applying a holistic approach, the project „Garden your educational life – a new learning environment and opportunity to access education and improve employability for young disadvantaged adults in Europe” takes advantage of the overall concept of nature and gardens.
Aims of the project
The project offers handouts and materials for adult education that is focused on "education-resistant" groups among young disadvantaged adults. Frustrating experience during the educational process shall be avoided by the „GARDEN Didactic Manual” and “Toolkit” to motivate and (re)integrate them into the labour market.